#oppschool science project

Returning for the 2020/2021 winter season, the Roslyn Snow Plot. This is an effort of Elon Opp as part of his 6th grade science project.



  1. To construct a weather station and snow study plot in Roslyn, Wa.

  2. Observe and record the amount of snow and rain, water equivalency of the snow, wind speed and direction, and temperature for the constructed site in Roslyn, WA.

  3. Compare the findings to the snow study site at Alpental Ski area and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) site on Snoqualmie Pass, WA.

  4. To present this work in a public way which is still being determined.

Elon’s Roslyn Snow Data

Snow Plot Station

Weather Station - La Crosse View Weather Station which includes temperature gauge, wind gauge and water collector.

Snow Study Plot - Constructed a 6’ total snow stake and 24 hour snow board


  • New location to hopefully improve Spring data collection

  • Camera at site so we can share photos more easily on Instagram

  • Please follow us on Instagram at RoslynSnowPlot

Follow our journey.

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